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Free AIF-C01 Exam Questions - Amazon AIF-C01 Exam

Amazon AIF-C01 Exam

AWS Certified AI Practitioner

Total Questions: 96

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Many candidates desire to prepare their Amazon AIF-C01 exam with the help of only updated and relevant study material. But during their research, they usually waste most of their valuable time with information that is either not relevant or outdated. Study4Exam has a fantastic team of subject-matter experts that make sure you always get the most up-to-date preparatory material. Whenever there is a change in the syllabus of the AWS Certified AI Practitioner exam, our team of experts updates AIF-C01 questions and eliminates outdated questions. In this way, we save you money and time.

Amazon AIF-C01 Exam Sample Questions:


A company wants to use a pre-trained generative AI model to generate content for its marketing campaigns. The company needs to ensure that the generated content aligns with the company's brand voice and messaging requirements.

Which solution meets these requirements?


An e-commerce company wants to build a solution to determine customer sentiments based on written customer reviews of products.

Which AWS services meet these requirements? (Select TWO.)


A company wants to deploy a conversational chatbot to answer customer questions. The chatbot is based on a fine-tuned Amazon SageMaker JumpStart model. The application must comply with multiple regulatory frameworks.

Which capabilities can the company show compliance for? (Select TWO.)


A company is building a customer service chatbot. The company wants the chatbot to improve its responses by learning from past interactions and online resources.

Which AI learning strategy provides this self-improvement capability?


How can companies use large language models (LLMs) securely on Amazon Bedrock?

Question: 1 Answer: C
Question: 2 Answer: B, D
Question: 3 Answer: B, C
Question: 4 Answer: B
Question: 5 Answer: A
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