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Cisco 010-151 Exam Topics

Cisco 010-151 Exam Overview :

Exam Name: Supporting Cisco Datacenter Networking Devices
Exam Code: 010-151
Certifications: Cisco CCT, Cisco CCT Data Center Certifications
Actual Exam Duration: 90 minutes
Expected no. of Questions in Actual Exam: 75
Exam Registration Price: $125
See Expected Questions: Cisco 010-151 Expected Questions in Actual Exam

Cisco 010-151 Exam Objectives :

Section Weight Objectives
General Networking Knowledge 17%
1 Demonstrate a high level understanding of SAN technology
2 Describe what an IP address and subnet is. Add default gateway and subnet mask
3 Differentiate between these Layer 2 technologies: Ethernet, Fast Ethernet, Gigabit Ethernet
4 Describe what FTP does
5 Describe what TFTP does
6 Describe what Telnet does
7 Describe what ping does
8 Use the OSI and TCP/IP models and their associated protocols to explain how data flows in a network
9 Identify and correct common network problems at Layers 1 and 2
10 Identify the cabling and connectors
Identify Cisco Equipment and Related Hardware 25%
1 Describe the Cisco Unified Computing System components and chassis layout
2 Describe the Cisco Unified Computing System LED
3 Describe the UCS C-series rack mount servers components and chassis layout
4 Describe the Cisco Nexus 2000 series fabric extender components
5 Identify Cisco Nexus 2000 series fabric extender cabling types
6 Describe the Cisco Nexus 5000 series switch components
7 Describe the Cisco Nexus 7000 series switch components
8 Describe the Cisco MDS 9000 product family components
9 Identifying the MDS 9000 Family Storage networking modules
10 Identify Cisco products by logo marking and model number (including, but not limited to locations on chassis, line card, module, or adapter)
11 Identify and locate the serial number of Cisco products (including but not limited to locations on chassis, line card, module, or adapter)
Describe Cisco NX-OS Software Operation 25%
1 Describe the Cisco Integrated Management Controller (CIMC)
2 Describe features and functionality of UCS Manager
3 Describe the different command modes for Cisco NX-OS software
4 Determine the current mode of the device
5 Know how to export technical support data
6 Verify the device configuration
7 Know how to use and interpret the basic Cisco NX-OS commands
8 Identify a configuration file from a Cisco device
9 Using the device file systems, directories, and files
10 Perform password recovery on a Cisco NX-OS switch device
Service-Related Knowledge 33%
1 Make a physical connection from laptop to Cisco console port
2 Perform installation process steps and expected outcomes
3 Perform initial setup tasks
4 Service restoration verification
5 Perform remedial procedures on Cisco devices
6 Use the hardware tools needed for repair
7 Upgrade the BIOS on a UCS Server Blade with the GUI
8 Upgrade Cisco Integrated Management Controller firmware on a UCS Server C-Series
Official Information https://www.cisco.com/c/en/us/training-events/training-certifications/exams/current-list/dctech.html

Updates in the Cisco 010-151 Exam Topics:

Cisco 010-151 exam questions and practice test are the best ways to get fully prepared. Study4exam's trusted preparation material consists of both practice questions and practice test. To pass the actual  Cisco Certified Technician 010-151  exam on the first attempt, you need to put in hard work on these questions as they cover all updated  Cisco 010-151 exam topics included in the official syllabus. Besides studying actual questions, you should take the  Cisco 010-151 practice test for self-assessment and actual exam simulation. Revise actual exam questions and remove your mistakes with the Supporting Cisco Datacenter Networking Devices 010-151 exam practice test. Online and Windows-based formats of the 010-151 exam practice test are available for self-assessment.