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Free 1D0-541 Exam Questions - CIW 1D0-541 Exam

CIW 1D0-541 Exam

CIW v5 Database Design Specialist

Total Questions: 128

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Many candidates desire to prepare their CIW 1D0-541 exam with the help of only updated and relevant study material. But during their research, they usually waste most of their valuable time with information that is either not relevant or outdated. Study4Exam has a fantastic team of subject-matter experts that make sure you always get the most up-to-date preparatory material. Whenever there is a change in the syllabus of the CIW v5 Database Design Specialist exam, our team of experts updates 1D0-541 questions and eliminates outdated questions. In this way, we save you money and time.

CIW 1D0-541 Exam Sample Questions:


A relation for a construction company is shown in the exhibit. Which of the following best

defines the relationship between Cust_ID and Cust_Name?



Consider the Stu_Act and Act_Fee tables shown in the exhibit. Which relational algebraic

operation would yield the Activity Relation table in the exhibit?



Consider the Project relation shown in the exhibit as well as the following SQL statement:



WHERE Cust_Name = Acme;

Which of the following tables shows the Project relation after execution of this SQL statement?


Which of the following best describes the information contained in the data dictionary (or

system catalog)?


Consider the Information Engineering diagram in the exhibit showing a conceptual data model

of the relations BUILDING and RESIDENT. What is the next step in refining the data model?


Question: 1 Answer: D
Question: 2 Answer: C
Question: 3 Answer: A
Question: 4 Answer: A
Question: 5 Answer: B
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