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Free ASF Exam Questions - Exin ASF Exam

Exin ASF Exam

EXIN Agile Scrum Foundation

Total Questions: 59

Exin ASF Exam - Prepare from Latest, Not Redundant Questions!

Many candidates desire to prepare their Exin ASF exam with the help of only updated and relevant study material. But during their research, they usually waste most of their valuable time with information that is either not relevant or outdated. Study4Exam has a fantastic team of subject-matter experts that make sure you always get the most up-to-date preparatory material. Whenever there is a change in the syllabus of the EXIN Agile Scrum Foundation exam, our team of experts updates ASF questions and eliminates outdated questions. In this way, we save you money and time.

Exin ASF Exam Sample Questions:


During a Sprint Planning session, the team argues about the work estimates for a particular story.

The Product Owner estimates five days.

The Lead Architect estimates two days.

The Scrum Master estimates eight days.

The team member working on it estimates seven days.

What value (in days) should be used for planning?


Which is a statement of value as described in the Agile manifesto?


A team decided to install a large traffic light in the team hall to indicate whether the latest build was healthy (green), failing a few tests (orange) or failing high priority tests (red).

What term can be used to describe the traffic light?


Why is planning poker an effective estimation technique?


What is a Scrum-of-Scrums?

Question: 1 Answer: C
Question: 2 Answer: D
Question: 3 Answer: A
Question: 4 Answer: A
Question: 5 Answer: C
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