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F5 Networks 301b Exam Topics

F5 Networks 301b Exam Overview :

Exam Name: BIG IP Local Traffic Manager LTM Specialist Maintain & Troubleshoot
Exam Code: 301b
Certifications: F5 Networks BIG-IP LTM Specialist, F5 Networks F5 Certified Technology Specialist Certifications
Actual Exam Duration: 90 minutes
Expected no. of Questions in Actual Exam: 60
See Expected Questions: F5 Networks 301b Expected Questions in Actual Exam

F5 Networks 301b Exam Objectives :

Section Objectives
Section 1: Troubleshoot basic virtual server connectivity issues Objective 1.01 Given a scenario, determine the appropriate profile setting modifications.
Objective 1.02 Given a sub-set of an LTM configuration, determine which objects to remove or consolidate to simplify the LTM configuration
Objective 1.03 Given a set of LTM device statistics, determine which objects to remove or consolidate to simplify the LTM configuration
Objective 1.04 Given a scenario, determine the appropriate upgrade and recovery steps required to restore functionality to LTM devices
Objective 1.05 Given a scenario, determine the appropriate upgrade steps required to minimize application outages
Objective 1.06 Describe the benefits of custom alerting within an LTM environment
Objective 1.07 Describe how to set up custom alerting for an LTM device
Section 2: Identify and resolve application issues Objective 2.01 Determine which iRule to use to resolve an application issue
Objective 2.02 Explain the functionality of a simple iRule
Objective 2.03 Given specific traffic and configuration containing a simple iRule determine the result of the iRule on the traffic
Objective 2.04 Interpret AVR information to identify performance issues or application attacks
Objective 2.05 Interpret AVR information to identify LTM device misconfiguration
Objective 2.06 Given a set of headers or traces, determine the root cause of an HTTP/HTTPS application problem
Objective 2.07 Given a set of headers or traces, determine a solution to an HTTP/HTTPS application problem
Objective 2.08 Given a direct trace, a trace through the LTM device, and other relevant information, compare the traces to determine the root cause of an HTTP/HTTPS application problem
Objective 2.09 Given a direct trace, a trace through the LTM device, and other relevant information, compare the traces to determine a solution to an HTTP/HTTPS application problem
Objective 2.10 Given a scenario, determine which protocol analyzer tool and its options are required to resolve an application issue
Objective 2.11 Given a trace and necessary supporting documentation, determine the root cause of an application problem
Objective 2.12 Given a trace and necessary supporting documentation, determine a solution to an application problem
Objective 2.13 Given a scenario, determine from where the protocol analyzer data should be collected
Objective 2.14 Given a trace, identify monitor issues
Objective 2.15 Given a monitor issue, determine an appropriate solution
Section 3: Identify and resolve LTM device issues Objective 3.01 Interpret log file messages and/or command line output to identify LTM device issues
Objective 3.02 Identify the appropriate command to use to determine the cause of an LTM device problem
Objective 3.03 Analyze performance data to identify a resource problem on an LTM device
Objective 3.04 Given a scenario, determine the cause of an LTM device failover
Objective 3.05 Given a scenario, determine the cause of loss of highavailability and/or sync failure
Official Information https://techdocs.f5.com/dam/f5/kb/global/solutions/k29900360/301b_-_BIG-IP_LTM_Specialist_Maintain_and_Troubleshoot.pdf

Updates in the F5 Networks 301b Exam Topics:

F5 Networks 301b exam questions and practice test are the best ways to get fully prepared. Study4exam's trusted preparation material consists of both practice questions and practice test. To pass the actual  BIG-IP LTM Specialist 301b  exam on the first attempt, you need to put in hard work on these questions as they cover all updated  F5 Networks 301b exam topics included in the official syllabus. Besides studying actual questions, you should take the  F5 Networks 301b practice test for self-assessment and actual exam simulation. Revise actual exam questions and remove your mistakes with the BIG IP Local Traffic Manager LTM Specialist Maintain & Troubleshoot 301b exam practice test. Online and Windows-based formats of the 301b exam practice test are available for self-assessment.