Free HPE7-A02 Exam Questions - HP HPE7-A02 Exam
Aruba Certified Network Security Professional Exam
Total Questions: 130HPE7-A02 Exam - Prepare from Latest, Not Redundant Questions!
Many candidates desire to prepare their HPE7-A02 exam with the help of only updated and relevant study material. But during their research, they usually waste most of their valuable time with information that is either not relevant or outdated. Study4Exam has a fantastic team of subject-matter experts that make sure you always get the most up-to-date preparatory material. Whenever there is a change in the syllabus of the Aruba Certified Network Security Professional Exam , our team of experts updates HPE7-A02 questions and eliminates outdated questions. In this way, we save you money and time.
HP HPE7-A02 Exam Sample Questions:
An AOS-CX switch has been configured to implement UBT to two HPE Aruba Networking gateways that implement VRRP on the users' VLAN. What correctly describes how the switch tunnels UBT users' traffic to those gateways?
HPE Aruba Networking Central displays an alert about an Infrastructure Attack that was detected. You go to the Security > RAPIDS events and see that the attack was "Detect adhoc using Valid SSID." What is one possible next step?
A company has HPE Aruba Networking infrastructure devices. The devices authenticate clients to HPE Aruba Networking ClearPass Policy Manager (CPPM). You want CPPM to track information about clients, such as their IP addresses and their network bandwidth utilization. What should you set up on the network infrastructure devices to help that happen?
A company uses both HPE Aruba Networking ClearPass Policy Manager (CPPM) and HPE Aruba Networking ClearPass Device Insight (CPDI). What is one way integrating the two solutions can help the company implement Zero Trust Security?
A company has AOS-CX switches and HPE Aruba Networking ClearPass Policy Manager (CPPM). The company wants switches to implement 802.1X authentication to CPPM and download user roles. What is one task that you must complete on CPPM to support this use case?
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