Section 1: Scientific, Mathematical, and technical essentials for Data Science and AI |
- Explain the difference between Descriptive, Prescriptive, Predictive, Diagnostic, and Cognitive Analytics
- Describe and explain the key terms in the field of artificial intelligence (Analytics, Data Science, Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Artificial Intelligence etc.)
- Distinguish different streams of work within Data Science and AI (Data Engineering, Data Science, Data Stewardship, Data Visualization etc.)
- Describe the key stages of a machine learning pipeline.
- Explain the fundamental terms and concepts of design thinking
- Explain the different types of fundamental Data Science
- Distinguish and leverage key Open Source and IBM tools and technologies that can be used by a Data Scientist to implement AI solutions
- Explain the general properties of common probability distributions.
- Explain and calculate different types of matrix operations
Section 2: Applications of Data Science and AI in Business |
- Identify use cases where artificial intelligence solutions can address business opportunities
- Translate business opportunities into a machine learning scenario
- Differentiate the categories of machine learning algorithms and the scenarios where they can be used
- Show knowledge of how to communicate technical results to business stakeholders
- Demonstrate knowledge of scenarios for application of machine learning
Section 3: Data understanding techniques in Data Science and AI |
- Demonstrate knowledge of data collection practices
- Explain characteristics of different data types
- Show knowledge of data exploration techniques and data anomaly detection
- Use data summarization and visualization techniques to find relevant insight
Section 4: Data preparation techniques in Data Science and AI |
- Demonstrate expertise cleaning data and addressing data anomalies
- Show knowledge of feature engineering and dimensionality reduction techniques
- Demonstrate mastery preparing and cleaning unstructured text data
Section 5: Application of Data Science and AI techniques and models |
- Explain machine learning algorithms and the theoretical basis behind them
- Demonstrate practical experience building machine learning models and using different machine learning algorithms
Section 6: Evaluation of AI models |
- Identify different evaluation metrics for machine learning algorithms and how to use them in the evaluation of model performance
- Demonstrate successful application of model validation and selection methods
- Show mastery of model results interpretation
- Apply techniques for fine tuning and parameter optimization
Section 7: Deployment of AI models |
- Describe the key considerations when selecting a platform for AI model deployment
- Demonstrate knowledge of requirements for model monitoring, management and maintenance
- Identify IBM technology capabilities for building, deploying, and managing AI models
Section 8: Technology Stack for Data Science and AI |
- Describe the differences between traditional programming and machine learning
- Demonstrate foundational knowledge of using python as a tool for building AI solutions
- Show knowledge of the benefits of cloud computing for building and deploying AI models
- Show knowledge of data storage alternatives
- Demonstrate knowledge on open source technologies for deployment of AI solutions
- Demonstrate basic understanding of natural language processing
- Demonstrate basic understanding of computer vision
- Demonstrate basic understanding of IBM Watson AI services
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