Section 1 - Architecture |
11% |
- Identify the components and services in a WebSphere Application Server configuration and describe how they are related or interact.
- Design various WebSphere Application Server topologies, for example, flexible management, intelligent management, mixed platform topology, network deployment cells, Liberty collectives, and ODR.
- Analyze appropriate design considerations when architecting topologies to achieve security, scalability, performance and fault tolerance.
- Demonstrate an understanding of how requests traverse various WebSphere Application Server topologies.
- Demonstrate an understanding of the administration activities for a network deployment cell including the flexible management components.
- Identify and describe the components of the WebSphere Application Server Liberty profile.
Section 2 - Product Installation, Configuration and Maintenance |
15% |
- Demonstrate an understanding of the IBM Installation Manager and IBM Packaging Utility and its role in installing, configuring, and maintaining WebSphere application servers and components both locally and remotely.
- Perform a silent installation process for WebSphere Application Server and fix pack installations.
- Perform pre and post installation verification.
- Troubleshoot installation problems.
- Create and manage Full and Liberty profiles.
- Manage nodes in a WebSphere topology, for example, managed, unmanaged nodes, flexible management and network deployment cell.
- Backup and restore configuration including the use of checkpoints.
Section 3 - Application Management (Assembly, Deployment and Configuration) |
9% |
- Explain the structure of enterprise applications, web applications, and business level applications.
- Deploy applications to a WebSphere Application Server environment.
- Configure resources, for example, data sources, JNDI, class paths, J2C providers, as required by an application.
- Use the IBM Rational Application Developer for WebSphere Software or the IBM WebSphere Application Server Developer Tools for Eclipse to examine and manipulate applications.
- Demonstrate an understanding of the administrative tasks required to take an application deployed to the Liberty profile and deploy it in a WebSphere Application Server Network Deployment environment.
Section 4 - Administrative Tools |
14% |
- Illustrate the usage of the Integrated Solutions Console (ISC) and its various tools (e.g., command assistance, runtime messages).
- Use the standard set of command line administrative tools such as wsadmin, profile management and plug-in generation.
- Use the capabilities of the Job Manager tooling including the submission of Liberty profile jobs.
- Use scripting to perform administrative tasks, for example, scripting libraries, ws_ant, wsadmin
- Write, test, and debug scripts by using the IBM Rational Application Developer for WebSphere Software or the IBM WebSphere Application Server Developer Tools for Eclipse.
- Configure or modify a WebSphere Application Server environment by using properties files and/or the monitored directory feature.
Section 5 - Security configuration and Maintenance |
14% |
- Configure user repositories.
- Configure SSL for clients and servers, for example, create certificates, populate trust stores and modify certificate expiration.
- Discuss the implications of resource security settings.
- Implement multiple security domains.
- Apply administrative and application security roles.
- Configure different authentication and authorization mechanisms, including SSO.
- Configure Java Enterprise, Liberty, Web and Web Services Security.
Section 6 - Clustering and Workload Management |
9% |
- Configure clusters in workload management topologies.
- Configure and manage the HTTP server and the web server plug-in.
- Configure distributed session management for high availability and failover scenarios, including the WebSphere eXtreme Scale option.
- Configure messaging engine policies for clustered service integration bus (SIBus) members.
- Configure high availability using core groups.
- Utilize the capabilities of the Liberty collectives.
Section 7 - Intelligent Management and Resiliency |
6% |
- Use the dynamic cluster elasticity feature.
- Create and configure On Demand Routers (ODR) and the ODR plug-in and associated service policies to enable the dynamic operations.
- Use health policies and actions to monitor and react to changing performance in the environment.
- Configure and maintain application editions.
Section 8 - Performance Monitoring and Tuning |
11% |
- Use the Tivoli Performance Viewer (TPV) to monitor the WebSphere Application Server runtime.
- Use the Tivoli Performance Viewer (TPV) Advisor and the Diagnostic Advisor to obtain advice on performance issues.
- Tune parameters, for example JVM settings, connection pools, thread pools, that affect WebSphere Application Server performance.
- Use the Performance Monitoring Infrastructure (PMI) metrics and poll MBeans for performance data.
- Configure and monitor the WebSphere Application Server caching mechanisms.
- Configure multi-cell performance management.
Section 9 - Problem Determination |
11% |
- Enable High Performance Extensible Logging (HPEL) and view HPEL data.
- Enable Cross Component Trace (XCT) and view trace data in XCT Log Viewer.
- Use tools to trigger and analyze heap dumps, javacore dumps, system core dumps and verbose Garbage Collection (GC).
- Configure diagnostic tracing.
- Use "mustgather" documentation and/or the IBM Support Assistant to collect and analyze diagnostic data or submit data to IBM Support.
- Configure, review and analyze log files for example, First Failure Data Capture (FFDC), system logs, native logs.
Official Information |
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