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Free IIBA-AAC AAC Exam Questions - IIBA IIBA-AAC Exam


Agile Analysis Certification Exam

Total Questions: 85

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IIBA IIBA-AAC AAC Exam Sample Questions:


The team is considering which of several solution paths they should invest in. They are working only from conjecture and opinion, not data and facts. A practitioner with an agile mindset would remind them to:


The following type of learning and feedback could result in identifying new items for the backlog:


The team is open to receiving feedback on the product it's creating and the processes it uses to create those products. Furthermore, they're using this feedback to improve every aspect of the work. This shows the team has embraced the concept of:


The team is delivering a high priority solution component and is discovering new information about the need and how well the work being delivered satisfies it. They conclude that learnings from this component will be used to:


During a project to improve efficiency at a customer service center, the product owner has established that a 15% improvement from the start on each of a specific set of 5 measures is the

target for a particular initiative. They meet this goal and move on to a new initiative. Having a metric and a target helped them do what activity?

Question: 1 Answer: C
Question: 2 Answer: A
Question: 3 Answer: B
Question: 4 Answer: A
Question: 5 Answer: A
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