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Free JN0-351 Exam Questions - Juniper JN0-351 Exam

Juniper JN0-351 Exam

Juniper JN0-351 Exam - Prepare from Latest, Not Redundant Questions!

Many candidates desire to prepare their Juniper JN0-351 exam with the help of only updated and relevant study material. But during their research, they usually waste most of their valuable time with information that is either not relevant or outdated. Study4Exam has a fantastic team of subject-matter experts that make sure you always get the most up-to-date preparatory material. Whenever there is a change in the syllabus of the Enterprise Routing and Switching, Specialist exam, our team of experts updates JN0-351 questions and eliminates outdated questions. In this way, we save you money and time.

Juniper JN0-351 Exam Sample Questions:


What is the default MAC age-out timer on an EX Series switch?


Which statement is correct about the IS-IS ISO NET address?


Which two statements about BGP facilitate the prevention of routing loops between two autonomous systems? (Choose two.)


You are attempting to configure the initial two aggregated Ethernet interfaces on a router but there are no aggregated Ethernet interfaces available.

In this scenario, which configuration will enable these interfaces on this router?










Two routers share the same highest priority and start time.

Question: 1 Answer: D
Question: 2 Answer: B
Question: 3 Answer: A, C
Question: 4 Answer: C
Question: 5 Answer: B
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Stanley 24 hours ago
Does anyone have tips on configuring Ethernet Ring Protection Switching (ERPS) on EX Series switches? I know there is a documentation available but it seems a bit overwhelming to me.
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Ramiro 15 hours ago
To configure ERPS on EX switches, you need to define rings and specify control VLAN and data VLANs. Use the 'set protocols protection-group' commands. Start by defining the ring and its members, then configure the control channel. To verify use the 'show ethernet-ring g.8032 statistics' command.
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Felipe 5 days ago
Has anyone encountered any tricky questions about multicast routing on the JN0-351 exam? What should I focus on when studying multicast topics?
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Collin 6 days ago
Focus on understanding the principles of multicast routing protocols like PIM. Be sure you can configure and troubleshoot both sparse and dense mode. Know how RPs work and how to set them up. Also, pay attention to multicast boundary configuration and the role of IGMP in multicast setups.
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Armando 5 days ago
I'm preparing for the JN0-351 exam and a bit confused about BGP attributes. Can anyone explain the difference between AS path prepending and route reflection in terms of their impact on route selection?
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Jamie 4 days ago
AS path prepending is used to make a path look less attractive by artificially inflating the AS path length, useful for influencing inbound traffic. Route reflection, on the other hand, allows BGP routers to bypass the full mesh requirement by reflecting routes from one peer to another within an AS. It’s more about managing BGP in large networks without needing every router to connect to every other.
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