Free JN0-664 JNCIP-SP Exam Questions - Juniper JN0-664 Exam
Service Provider Routing and Switching, Professional Exam
Total Questions: 96Juniper JN0-664 Exam - Prepare from Latest, Not Redundant Questions!
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Juniper JN0-664 JNCIP-SP Exam Sample Questions:
You are asked to exchange routes between R1 and R4 as shown in the exhibit. These two routers use the same AS number Which two steps will accomplish this task? (Choose two.)
A network is using IS-IS for routing.
In this scenario, why are there two TLVs shown in the exhibit?
Referring to the exhibit, you must provide Internet access for VPN-A using CE-1 as the hub CE.
Which two statements are correct in this situation? (Choose two.)
You are examining an L3VPN route that includes the information shown in the exhibit
Which statement is correct in this scenario?
Which two statements are correct about reflecting inet-vpn unicast prefixes in BGP route reflection? (Choose two.)