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Nutanix NCP-MCI-6.10 Exam Topics

Nutanix NCP-MCI-6.10 Exam Overview :

Exam Name: Nutanix Certified Professional - Multicloud Infrastructure v6.10
Exam Code: NCP-MCI-6.10
Certifications: Nutanix Certified Professional Certification
Actual Exam Duration: 120 minutes
Expected no. of Questions in Actual Exam: 75
Exam Registration Price: $199
See Expected Questions: Nutanix NCP-MCI-6.10 Expected Questions in Actual Exam

Nutanix NCP-MCI-6.10 Exam Objectives :

Section Objectives
Section 1 – Manage VMs within a Nutanix Multicloud Environment Objective 1.1: Create and update VMs on the Nutanix platform
? Determine the virtual hardware
? Determine boot mode
? Determine sizing requirements
? Identify the VM’s configuration to match application requirements
? Determine target environment attributes
? Update VM’s virtual hardware configuration
? Assign Affinity policies
? Determine cold vs hot modifications

Objective 1.2: Deploy VMs
? Deploy VM from template
? Choose the correct VM deployment based on specifications
? Configure Images for VM deployment
? Clone/restore VM from snapshots
? Choose format for importing VM
? Choose format for exporting VM
? Export VMs with 3rd party tools

Objective 1.3: Migrate VMs
? Determine prerequisites needed to migrate VM from Source to Target, including the use of Move
? Determine the storage requirements to migrate VMs
? Determine the network requirements to migrate VMs
? Determine AOSAHV software and any physical hardware requirements

Objective 1.4: Configure VM categories and attributes
? Determine the correct Category for a VM
? Demonstrate how to create a Category
? Relate the appropriate key:value of a Category
? Use labels in VM’s inventory
? Indicate VM catalog usage
? Assign Storage Policy
? Identify VM Agent usage
? Demonstrate how to assign VM to a Project
Section 2 – Manage Clusters within a Nutanix Multicloud Environment Objective 2.1: Perform storage administration procedures
? Perform create/read/update/delete (CRUD) operations
? Storage containers
? Volume groups

Objective 2.2: Configure AOS and Prism Central Settings
? Configure Authentication methods
? Describe SSL certificate management
? Configure AHV hardening
? Determine network segmentation
? Determine appropriate IAM RBAC
? Establish and Manage Projects
? Configure NTP settings
? Configure SMTP server
? Configure syslog settings
? Configure backup and recovery settings

Objective 2.3: Perform network administration procedures
? Create VLAN-backed subnets
? Create new Virtual Switches
? Edit network load balancing policies
? Interpret physical NIC usage

Objective 2.4: Perform software and hardware firmware Life Cycle Management (LCM)
? Configure LCM service as needed
? Perform an LCM inventory
? Select and perform Hardware/Firmware updates
? Select and perform Software updates

Objective 2.5: Perform hardware maintenance operations
? Add and Remove nodes
? Perform hardware upgrades
? Determine how to appropriately replace NVMe
? Add/remove physical disks

Objective 2.6: Configure Intelligent Operations
? Modify Capacity Configurations and Operational Policies
? Discover Application relationships
? Configure What-if scenarios
? Demonstrate understanding of capacity runway
Section 3 – Configure Disaster Recovery and Data Protection within a Nutanix Multicloud Environment Objective 3.1: Configure Protection Policies and Domains
? Determine entities to protect
? Determine Recovery location
? Determine Schedule
? Determine Consistency Groups
? Determine entity to protect
? Determine appropriate schedule settings
? Configure retention policy
? Configure remote site for replication

Objective 3.2: Configure and execute Recovery Plans
? Determine the requirements for script execution
? Determine the requirements for network mapping
? Determine the correct failover strategy

Objective 3.3: Configure Metro Replication
? Compare Metro Availability on vSphere versus AHV
? Given a specific failover handling scenario, determine correct failover methodology
? Perform planned and unplanned failover
? Prevent split-brain
Section 4 – Troubleshoot a Nutanix Multicloud Environment Objective 4.1: Troubleshoot Protection Policies and Recovery Plans Knowledge
? Diagnose and address network mapping failure
? Diagnose and address vNIC issues

Diagnose and address script execution failure
? Diagnose and address issue with connecting to the Recovery Location
? Diagnose and address issue with the recovery point schedule
? Diagnose and address issue with too many recovery points

Objective 4.2: Troubleshoot Metro Replication Knowledge
? Diagnose and address naming convention issues
? Diagnose and address network limitation issues
? Diagnose and address replication state issues
? Diagnose and address metro design issues

Objective 4.3: Troubleshoot AOS/Prism Central security issues Knowledge
? Resolve CVM communication issues
? Address security warnings from Prism (password management)
? Gather health status from the command line
? Retrieve and interpret information from Logs

Objective 4.4: Troubleshoot LCM operations Knowledge
? Diagnose and address the issue with LCM failing to run inventory
? Diagnose and address LCM version failing to update

Objective 4.5: Troubleshoot performance issues Knowledge
? Demonstrate how to locate and interpret performance-related information within log files
? Demonstrate how to read performance-related charts
? Interpret configuration settings
? Fix VM configuration to meet performance requirements
Section 5 – Conduct Custom Monitoring within a Nutanix Multicloud Environment Objective 5.1: Conduct analysis of performance charts Knowledge
? Determine schedule retention policies
? Create custom SLAs
? Determine storage requirements based on a policy
? Manage SLAs for multiple clusters
? Determine the number of snapshots

Objective 5.2: Create Reports Knowledge
? Identify type of report required
? Choose frequency of report to be generated
? Choose desired format of the report
? Identify retention properties of the desired report
? Choose any additional report customizations

Objective 5.3: Analyze capacity management Knowledge
? Analyze cluster runway
? Determine capacity configuration options
? Compare scenario options
Official Information https://www.nutanix.com/support-services/training-certification/certifications/certification-details-nutanix-certified-professional-multicloud-infrastructure-v6-10

Updates in the Nutanix NCP-MCI-6.10 Exam Topics:

Nutanix NCP-MCI-6.10 exam questions and practice test are the best ways to get fully prepared. Study4exam's trusted preparation material consists of both practice questions and practice test. To pass the actual  Nutanix Certified Professional NCP-MCI-6.10  exam on the first attempt, you need to put in hard work on these questions as they cover all updated  Nutanix NCP-MCI-6.10 exam topics included in the official syllabus. Besides studying actual questions, you should take the  Nutanix NCP-MCI-6.10 practice test for self-assessment and actual exam simulation. Revise actual exam questions and remove your mistakes with the Nutanix Certified Professional - Multicloud Infrastructure v6.10 NCP-MCI-6.10 exam practice test. Online and Windows-based formats of the NCP-MCI-6.10 exam practice test are available for self-assessment.