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Oracle 1Z0-811 Exam Topics

Oracle 1Z0-811 Exam Overview :

Exam Name: Java Foundations
Exam Code: 1Z0-811
Certifications: Oracle Java Certification
Actual Exam Duration: 120 minutes
Expected no. of Questions in Actual Exam: 60
See Expected Questions: Oracle 1Z0-811 Expected Questions in Actual Exam

Oracle 1Z0-811 Exam Objectives :

Section Objectives
What Is Java?
  •     Describe the features of Java
  •     Describe the real-world applications of Java
Java Basics
  •     Describe the Java Development Kit (JDK) and the Java Runtime Environment (JRE)
  •     Describe the components of object-oriented programming
  •     Describe the components of a basic Java program
  •     Compile and execute a Java program
Basic Java Elements
  •     Identify the conventions to be followed in a Java program
  •     Use Java reserved words
  •     Use single-line and multi-line comments in Java programs
  •     Import other Java packages to make them accessible in your code
  •     Describe the java.lang package
Working with Java Data Types
  •     Declare and initialize variables including a  variable using final
  •     Cast a value from one data type to another including automatic and manual promotion
  •     Declare and initialize a String variable
Working with Java Operator
  •     Use basic arithmetic operators to manipulate data including +, -, *, /, and %
  •     Use the increment and decrement operators
  •     Use relational operators including ==, !=, >, >=, <, and <=
  •     Use arithmetic assignment operators
  •     Use conditional operators including &&, ||, and ?
  •     Describe the operator precedence and use of parenthesis
Working with the String Class
  •     Develop code that uses methods from the String class
  •     Format Strings using escape sequences including %d, %n, and %s
Working with the Random and Math Classes
  •     Use the Random class
  •     Use the Math class
Using Decision Statements
  •     Use the decision making statement  (if-then and if-then-else)
  •     Use the switch statement
  •     Compare how == differs between primitives and objects
  •     Compare two String objects by using the compareTo and equals methods
Using Looping Statements
  •     Describe looping statements
  •     Use a for loop including an enhanced for loop
  •     Use a while loop
  •     Use a do- while loop
  •     Compare and contrast the for, while, and do-while loops
  •     Develop code that uses break and continue statements
Debugging and Exception Handling
  •     Identify syntax and logic errors
  •     Use exception handling
  •     Handle common exceptions thrown
  •     Use try and catch blocks
Arrays and ArrayLists
  •     Use a one-dimensional array
  •     Create and manipulate an ArrayList
  •     Traverse the elements of an ArrayList by using iterators and loops including the enhanced for loop
  •     Compare an array and an ArrayList
Classes and Constructors
  •    Create a new class including a main method
  •     Use the private modifier
  •     Describe the relationship between an object and its members
  •     Describe the difference between a class variable, an instance variable, and a local variable
  •     Develop code that creates an object's default constructor and modifies the object's fields
  •     Use constructors with and without parameters
  •     Develop code that overloads constructors
Java Methods
  •     Describe and create a method
  •     Create and use accessor and mutator methods
  •     Create overloaded methods
  •     Describe a static method and demonstrate its use within a program
Official Information https://education.oracle.com/product/pexam_1Z0-811

Updates in the Oracle 1Z0-811 Exam Topics:

Oracle 1Z0-811 exam questions and practice test are the best ways to get fully prepared. Study4exam's trusted preparation material consists of both practice questions and practice test. To pass the actual  Oracle Java 1Z0-811  exam on the first attempt, you need to put in hard work on these questions as they cover all updated  Oracle 1Z0-811 exam topics included in the official syllabus. Besides studying actual questions, you should take the  Oracle 1Z0-811 practice test for self-assessment and actual exam simulation. Revise actual exam questions and remove your mistakes with the Java Foundations 1Z0-811 exam practice test. Online and Windows-based formats of the 1Z0-811 exam practice test are available for self-assessment.