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Free PSE-Strata-Pro-24 Exam Questions - Palo Alto Networks PSE-Strata-Pro-24 Exam

Palo Alto Networks PSE-Strata-Pro-24 Exam

Palo Alto Networks PSE-Strata-Pro-24 Exam - Prepare from Latest, Not Redundant Questions!

Many candidates desire to prepare their Palo Alto Networks PSE-Strata-Pro-24 exam with the help of only updated and relevant study material. But during their research, they usually waste most of their valuable time with information that is either not relevant or outdated. Study4Exam has a fantastic team of subject-matter experts that make sure you always get the most up-to-date preparatory material. Whenever there is a change in the syllabus of the Palo Alto Networks Systems Engineer Professional - Hardware Firewall exam, our team of experts updates PSE-Strata-Pro-24 questions and eliminates outdated questions. In this way, we save you money and time.

Palo Alto Networks PSE-Strata-Pro-24 Exam Sample Questions:


Which two statements correctly describe best practices for sizing a firewall deployment with decryption enabled? (Choose two.)


Which three tools can a prospective customer use to evaluate Palo Alto Networks products to assess where they will fit in the existing architecture? (Choose three)


Which two actions should a systems engineer take when a customer is concerned about how to remain aligned to Zero Trust principles as they adopt additional security features over time? (Choose two)


A company with a large Active Directory (AD) of over 20,000 groups has user roles based on group membership in the directory. Up to 1,000 groups may be used in Security policies. The company has limited operations personnel and wants to reduce the administrative overhead of managing the synchronization of the groups with their firewalls.

What is the recommended architecture to synchronize the company's AD with Palo Alto Networks firewalls?


What is used to stop a DNS-based threat?

Question: 1 Answer: A, C
Question: 2 Answer: A, C, D
Question: 3 Answer: B, C
Question: 4 Answer: C
Question: 5 Answer: D
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