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US Green Building Council LEED-Green-Associate Exam Topics

US Green Building Council LEED-Green-Associate Exam Overview :

Exam Name: LEED Green Associate Exam
Exam Code: LEED-Green-Associate
Certifications: US Green Building Council LEED Certifications
Actual Exam Duration: 140 minutes
Expected no. of Questions in Actual Exam: 100
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US Green Building Council LEED-Green-Associate Exam Objectives :

Section Objectives
LEED Process The LEED Process section tests the candidate's understanding of the USGBC and GBCI's organizational fundamentals, the structure and scope of LEED rating systems, and the development and certification process of LEED. It assesses knowledge about credit and impact categories, certification levels, and other rating systems, targeting professionals new to green building principles.
Integrative Strategies The US Green Building Council Green Associate exam evaluates knowledge of the integrative process in sustainable design, emphasizing early analysis and systems thinking. Candidates will be assessed on the roles of various project team members and the standards that support LEED, making it essential for architects, engineers, and sustainability consultants.
Location and Transportation This topic of the LEED-Green-Associate exam focuses on site selection, emphasizing previously developed sites, high-priority areas, and reducing parking footprints. It covers alternative transportation options, infrastructure, and design, targeting urban planners, developers, and architects seeking to minimize environmental impact.
Sustainable Sites The topic covers site assessment, design, and development, including pollution prevention, habitat conservation, and rainwater management. This topic of the US Green Building Council Green Associate exam is aimed at landscape architects, environmental engineers, and developers who prioritize sustainability in site development.
Water Efficiency Water Efficiency topic of the LEED-Green-Associate test examines outdoor and indoor water use, focusing on efficient irrigation practices, low-flow fixtures, and water-efficient appliances. It also includes water performance management. The exam is targeting facility managers, sustainability consultants, and engineers committed to water conservation.
Energy and Atmosphere This topic assesses knowledge of building loads, energy efficiency, renewable energy practices, and energy performance management. It includes environmental concerns such as greenhouse gases and ozone depletion. Covering this topic of the US Green Building Council Green Associate exam is crucial for energy auditors, engineers, and sustainability professionals.
Materials and Resources It covers material reuse, life-cycle impacts, waste management, and purchasing policies. The LEED-Green-Associate exam evaluates the understanding of building product declarations and environmental preferable purchasing. It targets construction managers, architects, and procurement specialists dedicated to sustainable material use.
Indoor Environmental Quality Indoor Environmental Quality focuses on indoor air quality, lighting, sound, and occupant comfort. This topic of the US Green Building Council Green Associate exam tests knowledge of ventilation, tobacco smoke control, green cleaning, and acoustic design.
Project Surroundings and Public Outreach The LEED-Green-Associate exam assesses understanding of the environmental impacts of buildings, sustainable design values, and regional design practices. It includes the relationship between LEED and building codes. 
Official Information https://www.usgbc.org/credentials/leed-green-associate

Updates in the US Green Building Council LEED-Green-Associate Exam Topics:

US Green Building Council LEED-Green-Associate exam questions and practice test are the best ways to get fully prepared. Study4exam's trusted preparation material consists of both practice questions and practice test. To pass the actual  LEED Certifications LEED-Green-Associate  exam on the first attempt, you need to put in hard work on these questions as they cover all updated  US Green Building Council LEED-Green-Associate exam topics included in the official syllabus. Besides studying actual questions, you should take the  US Green Building Council LEED-Green-Associate practice test for self-assessment and actual exam simulation. Revise actual exam questions and remove your mistakes with the LEED Green Associate Exam LEED-Green-Associate exam practice test. Online and Windows-based formats of the LEED-Green-Associate exam practice test are available for self-assessment.