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Veritas VCS-413 Exam Topics

Veritas VCS-413 Exam Overview :

Exam Name: Administration of Veritas eDiscovery Platform 8.2 for Administrators
Exam Code: VCS-413
Certifications: Veritas Certified Specialist Certification
Actual Exam Duration: 105 minutes
Expected no. of Questions in Actual Exam: 85
See Expected Questions: Veritas VCS-413 Expected Questions in Actual Exam

Veritas VCS-413 Exam Objectives :

Section Objectives
EXAM AREA 1 System Administration 101: Explain the core features and functionality of Veritas eDiscovery Platform and communicate its benefits.
  •  Veritas eDiscovery Architecture: basic and distributed  
  •  Veritas eDiscovery Service Accounts  
  •  Veritas eDiscovery appliance overview  
102: Describe the components of the installation prerequisites, and the process for installing/upgrading and configuring Veritas eDiscovery Platform.
  •  Veritas eDiscovery application installation overview  
  •  Patch Notification and Management  
  •  Upgrading Veritas eDiscovery
103: Describe which components require backup, how to recover, or how to configure the Veritas eDiscovery Platform.
  •  Backups
EXAM AREA 2 Legal Hold 201: Given a scenario, describe the procedures for creating and managing legal hold notices, including but not limited to; immediate and scheduled delivery, reminders, escalations, Notice Library, Mail-Merge, tracking, reporting, and releasing.
  • Overview of legal hold
  • Creating and sending hold notices
  • Customizing notice language and surveys
  • Managing custodian confirmations
202: Describe custodian management, including but not limited to; the custodian portal, surveys, survey response reports, and audit reports.
  • User management
  • Creating a new user
  • Custodian Manager
203: Describe legal hold notice architecture, including but not limited to; Active Directory Integration and legal hold configuration.
  • Overview of legal hold
  • Setup and Maintenance activities
  • Source and Active Directory discovery
EXAM AREA 3 Identification and Collection 301: Describe the Interactive Data Map functionality, including but not limited to; mapping custodians to data sources, identifying potential sources of data, creating connections to sources, searching and browsing data by group, custodian, or data type.
  • Overview of identification and collection
  • Source and Active Directory discovery
302: Describe the integrations with Enterprise Vault and Enterprise Vault.cloud, including but not limited to; Enterprise Vault Direct Collector, Enterprise  Vault Collection Filters, and preserving in Enterprise Vault.
  •  Enterprise Vault Search Preview
  •  Data Hold-In-Place in Enterprise Vault
303: Identify the correct collector and filter to use, including but not limited to; Network Collector, On-site Collector, Extended SharePoint Collections,  etadata filters, Keyword filters, Collection filters, Office 365, and Collection Scheduler.
  • Creating collections  
  • Filtering data and assigning custodians  
  • Managing Collection Tasks
  • OnSite collections overview and workflow
  • Preparing and running OnSite Collector

304: Identify when to perform full collections, incremental collections or use collection templates and prepare data for processing with Veritas eDiscovery Platform
  • Creating collection sets and adding to case
305: Confirm data collection and perform basic troubleshooting using Data Verification, Collection History, Microsoft Rights Management System and Environment Support and Collection Analytics.
  • Collection Reporting capabilities
  • IC backup, user roles, licensing
EXAM AREA 4 Pre-processing, Processing, Search and Analysis 401: Performing pre-processing and processing, including but not limited to; setting up and performing discovery on data, configuring pre-processing  ptions,
applying processing settings, exceptions, jobs, troubleshooting, deduplication, Load File Import, Load File Configurator,  and providing various language
  •  Source Setup
  •  Processing Settings
  •  Source Setup
  •  Discovery (pre-processing)
  •  Pre-processing options
  •  Processing
402: Describe the various search features, including but not limited to; search preview, search filters, search reports, saving searches, concept search,  audio search, freeform search, and Automation Rules.
  •  Document List page
  •  Search filters
  •  Analysis tools
  •  Advanced search
  •  Keyword search
  •  Saved search
  •  Concept search
  •  Audio Search
403: Describe the various keyword search features, including but not limited to; search syntax, transparent search, multi-keyword searches, and advanced searches.
  •  Document List page
  •  Search filters
  •  Analysis tools
  •  Advanced search
  •  Keyword search
  •  Saved search
  •  Concept search
  •  Audio Search
404: Performing analysis on search results, including but not limited to; discussion threads, find similar, participant analytics, term analytics, and near- duplicate identification.
  •  Document List page
  •  Search filters
  •  Analysis tools
  •  Advanced search
  •  Keyword search
  •  Saved search
  •  Concept search
  •  Audio Search
EXAM AREA 5 Review and Production 501: Applying review concepts, including but not limited to; creating and managing tag lists, creating and managing folder lists, performing bulk-tagging operations, using Near-Native viewer, performing redaction and auto-redaction, smart sampling, and review reporting.
  •  Tags  
  •  Folders  
  •  Bulk operations
  •  Review mode
  •  Redaction
  •  Review management
502: Performing production and export, including but not limited to; native and image-based productions, Bates stamping, integrated production folders, export and production management, slip sheets, Metadata Exports, Native-Only Exports, Production Export, and export and production scalability.
  •  Printing
  •  Export workflow
  •  Native Only export
  •  Metadata export
  •  Production definition and workflow
  •  Creating productions
  •  Exporting productions
503: Describe Transparent Predictive Coding, best practices, and sample workflows.
  • Basics of Transparent Predictive Coding
EXAM AREA 6 System and Case Management and Reporting 601: Managing cases, including but not limited to; create new cases, case analytics, create and manage access groups, multi-case architecture,  onfiguration, and eDiscovery Dashboard.
  •  Source Setup
  •  All cases settings
  •  Processing settings
  •  Veritas eDiscovery Login and UI fundamentals
  •  All Cases area and create new cases
602: Using the reporting functionality in Veritas eDiscovery Platform, including but not limited to; lifecycle reporting, audit trail reporting, and activity reporting.
  •  System settings and tasks
  •  Setting up the Legal Hold Web Server
  •  Veritas eDiscovery Support
  •  Setup and maintenance activities
603: Describe system management, including but not limited to; Clearwell Utility, Clearwell Commander, system settings, Veritas eDiscovery Platform  ervices, distributed architecture (including sub-nodes, utility nodes, cluster master, and case home) and backup and restore.
  •  Veritas eDiscovery Architecture: basic and distributed  
  •  Veritas eDiscovery Service Accounts  
  •  Veritas eDiscovery appliance overview
  •  Veritas eDiscovery Utility
604: Managing users and custodians.
  •  User management
  •  Creating a new user
  •  Custodian Manager
Official Information https://www.veritas.com/en/uk/services/education-services/certification/exams/vcs-413

Updates in the Veritas VCS-413 Exam Topics:

Veritas VCS-413 exam questions and practice test are the best ways to get fully prepared. Study4exam's trusted preparation material consists of both practice questions and practice test. To pass the actual  Veritas Certified Specialist VCS-413  exam on the first attempt, you need to put in hard work on these questions as they cover all updated  Veritas VCS-413 exam topics included in the official syllabus. Besides studying actual questions, you should take the  Veritas VCS-413 practice test for self-assessment and actual exam simulation. Revise actual exam questions and remove your mistakes with the Administration of Veritas eDiscovery Platform 8.2 for Administrators VCS-413 exam practice test. Online and Windows-based formats of the VCS-413 exam practice test are available for self-assessment.