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Free 3V0-21.23 Exam Questions - VMware 3V0-21.23 Exam

VMware 3V0-21.23 Exam

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Many candidates desire to prepare their VMware 3V0-21.23 exam with the help of only updated and relevant study material. But during their research, they usually waste most of their valuable time with information that is either not relevant or outdated. Study4Exam has a fantastic team of subject-matter experts that make sure you always get the most up-to-date preparatory material. Whenever there is a change in the syllabus of the VMware vSphere 8.x Advanced Design exam, our team of experts updates 3V0-21.23 questions and eliminates outdated questions. In this way, we save you money and time.

VMware 3V0-21.23 Exam Sample Questions:


An architect is responsible for the lifecycle management design for a brownfield vSphere-based solution.

The following information has been provided during initial meetings around the new solution:

Existing heterogeneous server hardware will be used to provide the hosting platform.

The available hardware is:

- 10 servers that contain 2 x 20-Core Intel Xeon processors and 512GB RAM from Vendor A

- 10 servers that contain 2 x 24-Core Intel Xeon processors and 768GB RAM from Vendor A

- 20 servers that contain 2 x 16-Core AMD EPYC processors and 512GB RAM from Vendor B

- 10 servers that contain 1 x 24-Core AMD EPYC processors and 256GB RAM from Vendor B

All of the hardware is currently listed on the VMware Hardware Compatibility List (HCL).

All existing server hardware has 36months vendor support remaining.

The requirements from the customer are:

REQ001 - The solution must support the hosting of 5,000 workloads spread across two physical sites.

REQ002 - The solution should minimize the number of clusters.

REQ003 - The solution must ensure that there is no impact to service when completing upgrades.

Given the resource requirements needed for the solution, the architect has calculated that all of the existing servers will be required to provide sufficient resources for the new environment. The Intel-based (Vendor A) servers will be deployed to the primary site and both the Intel-based and AMD-based servers (Vendor B) will be deployed to the secondary site.

Which assumption should the architect make to support the lifecycle management of vSphere 8?


An architect is designing a vSphere-based application hosting solution in a brownfield site.

The following information has been provided during the requirements gathering workshop:

The solution should support 5,000 compute workloads across two physical sites.

The CFO has approved budget for the purchase of new server and network hardware only.

The existing storage array is currently Fibre Channel connected with 2 x 8Gbps interfaces to a dedicated Storage Area Network (SAN) fabric.

The existing storage array does not support integration with vSphere API for Storage Awareness.

The existing storage array can be configured to support NFS storage.

The existing vSphere administration team will responsible for operational management of the new solution.

Which storage technology should the architect recommend based on these requirements?


An architect is working on a security design for a shared storage environment. The storage array provides connectivity by the NFS protocol.

Which two design decisions could the architect include for this solution? (Choose two.)


An architect is tasked with designing the VMware Validated Solutions in an existing VMware Cloud Foundation environment.

The design must meet the following requirements:

Must not allow logical networks to span physical network boundaries or locations

Must support static routing

What should the architect recommend based on these requirements?


Refer to the exhibit.


An architect is assigned a new project to design a VMware hybrid cloud solution.

The project is following a proven design methodology following the V-Model of systems engineering and verification. The selected methodology follows these phases: Assess, Design, Deploy and Validate.

Which activity would be conducted during the Design phase?

Question: 1 Answer: C
Question: 2 Answer: B
Question: 3 Answer: A, B
Question: 4 Answer: C
Question: 5 Answer: A
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