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Free 3V0-22.21 Exam Questions - VMware 3V0-22.21 Exam

VMware 3V0-22.21 Exam

VMware 3V0-22.21 Exam - Prepare from Latest, Not Redundant Questions!

Many candidates desire to prepare their VMware 3V0-22.21 exam with the help of only updated and relevant study material. But during their research, they usually waste most of their valuable time with information that is either not relevant or outdated. Study4Exam has a fantastic team of subject-matter experts that make sure you always get the most up-to-date preparatory material. Whenever there is a change in the syllabus of the Advanced Deploy VMware vSphere 7.x exam, our team of experts updates 3V0-22.21 questions and eliminates outdated questions. In this way, we save you money and time.

VMware 3V0-22.21 Exam Sample Questions:


The security team has decided to follow the VMware-recommended best practices in the vSphere hardening guide.


Your first task is to create a local user in esxi02b:

* Name: SpecialUser

* Role: Administrator

Your second task is to ensure that SpecialUser is the ONLY user who is able to SSH into esxi02b via Putty.

Your final task is to enforce a strict lockdown on esxi02b.

Your second task is to ensure that SpecialUser is the ONLY user who is able to SSH into esxi02b via Putty.

Your final task is to enforce a strict lockdown on esxi02b.


You have just deployed a new vCenter Server Appliance. Vcsa0l

a. and are required to back up to configuration after deployment. To complete this task, perform an unencrypted backup of the vCenter Server Appliance using the following details:

* Use the FTP protocol to backup the appliance

* FTP Server Location:

* FTP Username: administrator

* FTP Password: VMware1!

Note: Make sure you include the / at the end of the Server Location


A vSphere administrator has deployed a new server. The VM will have a workload which is prodApp1 to the following specifications:

* The VM should never have any memory contention while powered on. even if the host that it resides

* Configure the virtual machine for high latency sensitivity.


A user has approached you about a virtual machine with the name infra-1 that is performing poorly on the vCenter Server vcsa0l

a. In order to analyze the data offline, your team requires the esxtop data from the problem host with the following requirements:

* The esxtop data must be in CSV format

* The data must contain 20 iterations with a delay

Once captured, copy the results CSV file from the destination datastore on the host to the Desktop of the ControlCenter VM with the filename "esxiOlb-capture.csv'.

Note: WindSCP is installed on the Controller.


The Virtual Infrastructure team wants to share a VM Template from vcsa0la to vcsa0lb via content libraries. Ensure that the content in the libraries is synchronized only when needed.

* Name of Published Content Library in vcsa0la: CL01

* Name of Subscribed Content Library in vcsa0lb: CL02

* For both content libraries, use the local datastore: SAN01

* VM Template to be shared: Core-Template

After the Core-Template has been synchronized from CL01 to CL02. deploy a virtual machine from VM-Template on vcsa0lb

* Name of virtual machine: CL-VM

* Host for virtual machine: sxi03b

Question: 1 Answer: A
Question: 2 Answer: A
Question: 3 Answer: A
Question: 4 Answer: A
Question: 5 Answer: A
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Jasmine 6 days ago
Thanks to vmware 3v0 22.21 dumps, cleared advanced deploy vmware vsphere 7.x exam.
upvoted 1 times
kiko 7 days ago
I think the questions is from vSphere version 6.5 noy 7.X
upvoted 1 times
Dorothy 7 days ago
In the vmware 3v0 22.21 practice test, i got the advantage of personalized features which was not possible otherwise. Advanced deploy vmware vsphere 7.x certification exam cleared today successfully and i am a changed personality now.
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