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VMware 2V0-13.24 Exam Topics

VMware 2V0-13.24 Exam Overview :

Exam Name: VMware Cloud Foundation 5.2 Architect Exam
Exam Code: 2V0-13.24
Certifications: VMware VCP, VMware VCP-VCF Architect Certifications
Actual Exam Duration: 135 minutes
Expected no. of Questions in Actual Exam: 60
Exam Registration Price: $250
See Expected Questions: VMware 2V0-13.24 Expected Questions in Actual Exam

VMware 2V0-13.24 Exam Objectives :

Section Objectives
Section 1 - IT Architectures, Technologies, Standards Objective 1.1 - Differentiate between business and technical requirements
Objective 1.2 - Differentiate between a Conceptual Model, logical design, and physical design
Objective 1.3 - Differentiate between requirements, assumptions, constraint,s and risks
Objective 1.4 - Differentiate between availability, manageability, performance, recoverability and
security (AMPRS)
Objective 1.5 - Develop and document a risk mitigation strategy
Objective 1.6 - Document design decisions
Objective 1.7 - Develop a design validation strategy
Section 2 - VMware by Broadcom Solution Objective 2.1 - Based on a scenario, differentiate between VMware Cloud Foundation architecture
Section 3 - Plan and Design the VMware by Broadcom Solution Objective 3.1 - Gather and analyze business objectives and requirements
Objective 3.2 - Given a set of business objectives, create a conceptual model
Objective 3.3 - Create VMware Cloud Foundation logical designs
Given a scenario, identify the prerequisites for VMware Cloud Foundation
Given a scenario, identify the design decision(s) to support a Network Infrastructure - Logical Design
Given a scenario, identify the design decision(s) to support a VCF Management Domain - Logical
Given a scenario, identify the design decision(s) to support a VCF Workload Domain - Logical Design
Given a scenario, identify the design decision(s) to support a VCF Edge Cluster - Logical Design
Given a scenario, identify the design decision(s) to support a VCF Cloud Automation - Logical Design
Given a scenario, identify the design decision(s) to support a VCF Cloud Operations - Logical Design
Objective 3.4 - Create VMware Cloud Foundation physical designs
Given a scenario, identify the prerequisites for VMware Cloud Foundation
Given a scenario, identify the design decision(s) to support a Network Infrastructure - physical design
Given a scenario, identify the design decision(s) to support a VCF Management Domain - physical
Given a scenario, identify the design decision(s) to support a VCF Workload Domain - physical design
Given a scenario, identify the design decision(s) to support a VCF Edge Cluster - physical design
Given a scenario, identify the design decision(s) to support a VCF Cloud Automation - physical design
Given a scenario, identify the design decision(s) to support a VCF Cloud Operations - physical design
Objective 3.5 - Design for Availability
Given a scenario, identify the design decision(s) to support a solution that provides availability
within an availability zone
Given a scenario, identify the design decision(s) to support a solution that provides availability across
availability zones
Objective 3.6 - Design for Manageability
Design for Lifecycle Management
o Given a scenario. Identify the design decisions(s) and requirements to leverage VCF
LCM within the design
? Design for Scalability
o Given a scenario, identify design decision(s) to support scaling a VCF Solution
? Design for Capacity Management
o Given a scenario, size a VCF deployment
o Given a scenario, identify requirements and design decisions for capacity management
Objective 3.7 - Design for Performance
? Given a scenario, identify design decision(s) that meet performance requirement
Objective 3.8 - Design for Recoverability
Differentiate between BCDR strategies for Management Components and Workloads
Given a scenario, identify the design decision(s) to meet Business Continuity requirements
Given a scenario, identify the design decision(s) to meet Disaster Recovery requirements
Objective 3.9 - Design for Security
Given a scenario, identify the design decisions for securing VCF Management
Components and Workloads.
Objective 3.10 - Design a workload mobility strategy
Given a scenario, identify the design decisions for workload migration into a VCF environment
Given a scenario, identify the design decisions for deploying Workload Management in VCF
Objective 3.11 - Design a consumption strategy for VMware Cloud Foundation
Given a scenario, identify the design decisions for VCF Automation Tenant Design
Given a scenario, identify the design decisions for Self-Service & Governance
Given a scenario, identify the design decisions for automating VCF infrastructure components
Objective 3.12 - Design a monitoring strategy for VMware Cloud Foundation
Given a scenario, identify design decisions for monitoring VCF management components
Given a scenario, identify design decisions for monitoring VCF Workload
Section 4 - Install, Configure, Administrate the VMware by Broadcom Solution NO TESTABLE OBJECTIVES THIS SECTION
Section 5 - Troubleshoot and Optimize the VMware by Broadcom Solution NO TESTABLE OBJECTIVES IN THIS SECTION.
Official Information https://www.broadcom.com/support/education/vmware/certification/vmware-cloud-foundation-52-architect-exam

Updates in the VMware 2V0-13.24 Exam Topics:

VMware 2V0-13.24 exam questions and practice test are the best ways to get fully prepared. Study4exam's trusted preparation material consists of both practice questions and practice test. To pass the actual  VMware Certified Professional 2V0-13.24  exam on the first attempt, you need to put in hard work on these questions as they cover all updated  VMware 2V0-13.24 exam topics included in the official syllabus. Besides studying actual questions, you should take the  VMware 2V0-13.24 practice test for self-assessment and actual exam simulation. Revise actual exam questions and remove your mistakes with the VMware Cloud Foundation 5.2 Architect Exam 2V0-13.24 exam practice test. Online and Windows-based formats of the 2V0-13.24 exam practice test are available for self-assessment.